Acid Test for Grey Power
Date 28 November 2007
For Immediate Release. Acid Test for Grey
“The knives are out and Labour has struck from behind, sticking one squarely between the shoulder blades of its defunct coalition partner NZ First,” says Republicans Deputy Leader Bevan Berg.
Targeting Winston’s voter base, Labour has launched another of their cabinet table cons – If there is anything we can’t give the seniors it is only because we are giving it to the children.
“Now watch Labour turn Gold Sop into a massive indirect tax on the business community, while spending already collected business tax on Clark’s 2008 rigged election campaign,” says Berg.
The acid test will go on Grey Power this election. Will the seniors vote with respect for their heritage or will they conscript their grandchildren to march for the State, rather than for their country.
Watch Labour develop this dependency campaign -You will have to live with us, because you can’t live without us.
“Another Labour Government will be a liability to our country, a liability to our economy, and a legacy for our children,” says Berg
It is time for a New Start.
Republicans for Responsibility or Labour for Legacy.