Background to UK climate sceptic
Background to Big business turns to long-time
UK climate sceptic
(1) A recent Greenpeace New Zealand briefing examines in more detail the concerted campaign by the New Zealand Business Roundtable, Greenhouse Policy Coalition and other business groups to undermine solutions to climate change. Available at
(2) In their March 2007 submission to the Government on climate policy the Roundtable claimed that climate change is "a risk not a certainty" (See: New Zealand Business Roundtable, Overview Submission on the Government's Discussion Documents on Climate Change, March 2007,
p5), despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary.
They have called for New Zealand to pull out of the Kyoto Protocol and align our climate policies with the regressive policies of the United States and Australia (See: New Zealand Business Roundtable, 'Reality Breaks Through With Axing of Carbon Tax', 27 January 2006,
They have also recently jumped on the business
bandwagon arguing that the Government should weaken and
delay the proposed emissions trading scheme (See: Greenhouse
Policy Coalition letter to the Government, 16 October 2007,
available at:
New Zealand Business Roundtable, 'Castalia Report
Realistic About Climate Change', 5 November
2007, ENDS