Day To Stand Up Against Violence To Women
(commence 19.11.07 lead up to 25.11.07)
Day To Stand Up Against Violence To Women
People in Auckland are being urged to stand up
and show their condemnation of violence against women at
events marking this year’s White Ribbon Day.
The 25th of November is marked around the world, and focuses on men showing their support to end violence against women.
White Ribbon Day was launched by a men’s movement in Canada in 1991, and has been adopted by the United Nations as the day for the elimination of Violence Against Women.
Family Violence includes physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, with many women and children living in fear of a partner or family member and experiencing family violence.
One in three women will be sexually or physically abused in their lifetime, and men assaulting their female partners make up between 85% - 98% of family violence related arrests.
You can participate by wearing a white ribbon and attending community events.
North Shore Police and Waitemata District Health Board will be supporting the campaign by wearing ribbons and giving them out at North Shore Hospital, and police will be handing them out at malls and when they patrol the streets.
Safer Families Violence Prevention Network has organised two events for the community to show their support for the elimination of the violence against women.
Venue for events:
23.11.07 at Takapuna Rose
Gardens, 12.00pm -2.00pm
Activities include stalls,
music, sausage sizzles, items from local
25.77.07 Vigil campaign 6.30pm – 8pm Killarney