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Global Peace And Justice Auckland Newsletter

Global Peace And Justice Auckland Newsletter

#203, October 16, 2007

Emergency Meeting To Plan Action Against Police “Terrorist” Frame-Up Thursday, 6pm, Unite Union Office, Top Floor, 300 Queen St

Make A Donation To A Defence Fund Online 38-9000-0099726-00 Global Peace & Justice Akld Indentify donation as being for the defence fund. Initial patrons of the fund are Jane Kelsey, John Minto, Simon Oosterman and Mike Treen

GPJA MESSAGE Everyone will be aware that 17 activists were arrested on Monday in police raids around the country. They have been charged with various beaches of the gun laws but the police have raised the spectre of them also facing anti-terrorism charges later. Most have had names suppressed but will be coming back to court this Friday when more information will become public.

All of the people are known directly or indirectly to people close to GPJA and we have been helping assist getting legal support. We have issued a media release and John Minto has done several interviews along these lines. A copy of the release is here: Terrorism charges trumped up for political impact []

MEETING: This case has critical importance for all groups associated with GPJA and we are calling a meeting this Thursday evening at 6pm at the Unite Office (Level 12 above the ASB Bank on the corner of Queen and Wellesley Streets). At this meeting we will be briefing everyone on the situation so far, establish a defence committee and decide what further action we can take in this situation. In the meantime people can make donations to support the legal defence of those arrested by donating to the GPJA account online 38-9000-0099726-00 Indentify donation as being for the defence fund. Initial patrons of the fund are Jane Kelsey, John Minto, Simon Oosterman and Mike Treen

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MEDIA REPORTS Spycatcher Calls Police Raids Draconian [] TV3: John Minto: Terrorism charges 'trumped up' for political impact [] BFM Audio: Kim Talks To Spycatcher David Small [] Community 'under siege' says Waiariki MP [] Terrorist charges ill-conceived - Press Release: Christian World Service [] Terrorism amendment bill a threat to our civil liberties [] High Court Bypassed Under New Anti-Terror Bill [] Breaking: Peacenik “Terrorists” Remanded To Friday [] Greens urge caution on use of Terrorism Act []


"I believe that if we had and would keep our dirty, bloody, dollar-soaked fingers out of the business of these nations so full of depressed, exploited people, they will arrive at a solution of their own -- and if unfortunately their revolution must be of the violent type because the "haves" refuse to share with the "have-nots" by any peaceful method, at least what they get will be their own, and not the American style, which they don't want and above all don't want crammed down their throats by Americans. ": -- General David M. Shoup - Commandant of the Marine Corps 1960-63, winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor

"Formerly no one was allowed to think freely; now it is permitted, but no one is capable of it any more. Now people want to think only what they are supposed to think, and this they consider freedom.": Oswald Spengler - (1880-1936) Source: The Decline of the West, 1926

"Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear -­ kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervour ­- with the cry of grave national emergency. Always, there has been some terrible evil at home, or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it.": General Douglas MacArthur - (1880-1964) WWII Supreme Allied Commander of the Southwest Pacific, Supreme United Nations Commander 1957


WAIHOPAI SPYBASE PROTEST JANUARY 25-27, 2008 The public face of New Zealand’s role as an American ally is the NZ military presence in Afghanistan. But New Zealand’s most significant contribution to that, and other American wars, including the one in Iraq, is the Waihopai spybase. Waihopai is controlled by the US, with New Zealand (including Parliament and the Prime Minister) having little or no idea what goes on there (let alone any control). The Waihopai electronic intelligence gathering base is located in the Waihopai Valley, near Blenheim. First announced in 1987, it is operated by New Zealand’s Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) in the interests of the foreign Powers grouped together in the super-secret UKUSA Agreement (which shares global electronic and signals intelligence among the intelligence agencies of the US, UK, Canada, Australia and NZ). Its two satellite interception dishes (shielded from public view by giant domes) intercept a huge volume of telephone calls, telexes, faxes, e-mail and computer data communications. It spies on our Asia/Pacific neighbours, and forwards the material on to the major partners in the UKUSA Agreement, specifically the US National Security Agency (NSA). Its targets are international communications involving New Zealanders, including the interception of international phone calls. The codename for this – Echelon – has become notorious worldwide as the vast scope of its spying has become public. New Zealand is an integral, albeit junior, part of a global spying network, a network that is ultimately accountable only to its own constituent agencies, not governments, and certainly not to citizens. Waihopai does not operate in the interests of New Zealanders or our neighbours. Basically it is a foreign spybase on NZ soil and directly involves us America’s wars. Waihopai must be closed. We invite people from around the country to join us for the weekend of anti-war protest at this spybase. Come prepared for roughing it and camping out. We provide the food (note: we cater for vegetarians but vegans will have to bring their own). Bring sleeping bag, groundsheet, a tent, torch, water bottle, eating utensils, clothing for all weather, and $40 (or $20 unwaged) to cover costs. Absolutely no open fires. How to find our camp at Whites Bay: turn off SH1 at Tuamarina (9km north of Blenheim or 20 km south of Picton) and drive to Rarangi on the coast. Continue on the steep Port Underwood Road which climbs over the hilltop before descending to the Whites Bay turnoff. There is a Department of Conservation public camp at the bay with basic facilities. ABC has to pay a fixed charge per person. To register send $40 ($20 unwaged) to the Anti-Bases Campaign, P.O. Box 2258, Christchurch. Make all cheques to ABC. E-mail [] []

IMMIGRATION BILL This message allows you to analysis and comment on the Bill, and information about how you can make a submission on it if you have not already done so - the closing date is Friday, 12 October 2007. This message is available online at [] The Bill was introduced to parliament on 8 August and had its first reading on 16 August - at that time was supported by all the political parties except for the Maori Party and the Greens. It will be considered by the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee. ANALYSIS AND COMMENT ON THE BILL []


NOMINATIONS OPEN FOR THE THE ROGER AWARD Nominations are now open for this most prestigious and keenly contested annual Award (won by Progressive Enterprises in 2006; the previous winners are: Westpac/BNZ, Telecom, Juken Nissho, Carter Holt Harvey, TransAlta Monsanto and TranzRail – 3 times). Nominations close on October 31. []

VISIT CUBA THIS SUMMER Cuba consistently makes the news: whether it is it’s health care system (see Salud or Sicko), its response to its oil crisis, its environmental programmes, or by remaining a political opponent of US imperialism for forty years. It is also the home of salsa and its music is world renowned. Registrations are open for the 25th Southern Cross Brigade to Cuba. Members of the Brigade, which is made up of Australians and New Zealanders, spend approximately four weeks in Cuba, leaving 27th December and returning 24th January. The all up cost is $5500, including airfare, spending money and all accommodation and meals. Members of the Brigade often stay longer in Cuba as private travelers or move onto other countries in the region. For further enquiries and registration e- mail Ina at [] or Paul at [] (03 732 4010).


Wednesday, October 17, 11.30am, Myers Park (Off Upper Queen St, City). UNITED NATIONS MILLENNIUM CAMPAIGN TO STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT AGAINST POVERTY. The Art of Living Foundation, an international humanitarian organisation with a presence in 145 countries, has put its support behind the UNMC’s campaign. In Auckland the event is in Myer's Park from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm with the Stand Up moment at 12.30 pm on 17/10/07. Live band SPACIFIX will be playing. New Zealanders will join millions around the world in a massive United Nations Millennium Campaign (UNMC) event on October 17 2007 to Stand Up & Speak Out against poverty. [] - to view video []

Wednesday, October 17, 5.30pm, Downtown (foot of Queen St) STAND UP AGAINST POVERTY ON OCTOBER 17TH - INTERNATIONAL ANTI POVERTY DAY. Kia ora and Talofa Clean Start supporters! Cleaners, Hospital Service workers and Aged Care workers have all been taking steps towards getting a fair deal in their industries, and they're winning! BUT Wages are still too low; The cost of living is high - and rising; Many people are still living in poverty. To make sure no one in our communities has to survive day to day in poverty, everyone needs to Stand up Against Poverty on October 17th - International Anti Poverty Day. Cleaners from the Clean Start campaign are inviting all union members, community organisations, members of the public, and all people who care about what's going on in our communities to stand up against poverty on October 17th. Auckland: Meet at Downtown (foot of Queen St) at 5.30pm. Wellington: Meet at Parliament (Molesworth St side) at 12.30pm. Can you be there? Can you send a delegation from your organisation or worksite? Can you speak on the day? In solidarity, The Clean Start team.

Wednesday, October 17, 7pm, Continuing Education, Auckland University THE STATE OF PEACE, Treasa Dunworth, LLB (Hons), LLM (Harvard). Terence O'Brien, BA. How can the world sustain a state of peace and co-operation? Can this be achieved collectively or by hegemony? This lecture will look at the pros and cons of various methods for attempting to reach a state of sustained peace and co-operation, and will discuss what we can expect from America and the rising powers of India and China. The traditional dichotomy between unilateral and multilateral approaches to peace and co-operation is blurring in the light of what has been termed "unilateralism in multilateral disguise". This lecture will also identify, and critique that trend. Treasa Dunworth is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Law at The University of Auckland Terence O’Brien is a former New Zealand diplomat and UN ambassador The fee is $27 per lecture or $67.50 for the series. $18 per lecture or $45 for the series is available to students and unwaged. There will be an opportunity at the end of each lecture for questions and discussion. To register contact: Continuing Education, phone 09 373 7599 ext 87831/87832, or email [] Website: []

Wednesday, October 31, 7.30pm, Trades Hall, 147 Great North Rd, Grey Lynn HIDDEN VOICES - A Filipino Muslim Woman On The US “War On Terror” And Its Impact On Her People. Amirah Ali Lidasan is the National Vice-Chairperson of the Suara Bangsamoro Party List Organisation, which aims to get representation in Congress for the Philippines’ several million Muslims (known as Moros and heavily concentrated in the southernmost islands). Amirah is a young progressive Muslim woman, with a history of senior leadership in the student movement in Manila, and is a leader in groups such as the Moro Christian People’s Alliance. She has an international profile. In March 2007 she was part of a Philippine human rights delegation which toured North America and Europe, drawing international attention to the human rights crisis at home. Contact: Helen Te Hira, ph (09) 3039018; 021 0554969; e-mail: []

Friday, November 9, 6.30pm (5.30pm bar), Maidment Theatre, Auckland University 2007 BRUCE JESSON LECTURE: Laila Harre, National Secretary National Distribution Union: “Union relevance in Aotearoa in the 21st Century”. For 20 years unions have been engaged in a struggle for relevance - relevance to both workers and the wider social and economic environment in which we organise. This lecture will look at possible futures for the union movement and the potential and need for workers to organise industrially and politically. More than ever we are dependent on what happens at work and what we get from doing it. The question is not whether we need unions, but what sort of unions we need. A collection for donations to the Bruce Jesson Trust will be taken. Sponsored by the Faculty of Arts and The Bruce Jesson Foundation


ENVIRONMENT Arctic Thaw May Be At ‘Tipping Point’ - A record melt of Arctic summer sea ice this month may be a sign that global warming is reaching a critical trigger point that could accelerate the northern thaw, some scientists say []

NEW ZEALAND Room to move against poverty, say child advocates [] Govts Called To Account: World Poverty Day 17/10/7 [] National's Private Sector Education Plans Shameful [] Hager: Election Funding, what's National up to? [] Scoop Review: The Hollow Men [] AUS Tertiary Update [] Burma Protest: Scoop Full Coverage [] GPJA: Shooting Reinforces Case Against Tasers & Guns [] Locke opposes anti-terrorism amendment Bill [] Nuke free vote: Goff offers feeble excuses [] Key declares 'Mission Accomplished' in Ira

qFIJI Bainimarama Justifies Coup To UN General Assembly []

AUSTRALIA More work and less pay on AWAs, study shows [] Life Under WorkChoices - A massive study of more than 8,000 workers' experiences to be released today provides the most accurate picture to date of the impact of the Federal Government's industrial relations laws. [] One last favour: Australia to help out the US over Cuba? By Tim Anderson []

BURMA JOHN PILGER: My Last Conversation With Aung San Suu Kyi - As the people of Burma rise up again, we have had a rare sighting of Aung San Suu Kyi. There she stood, at the back gate of her lakeside home in Rangoon, where she is under house arrest. She looked very thin. For years, people would brave the roadblocks just to pass by her house and be reassured by the sound of her playing the piano. [] Burma Special: With the world’s eyes focused on Burma the New Statesman takes a look back at its coverage of this brutally run country. [] Burmese Military Cracks Down On Escalating Protests [] Burma: No Clean Hands for Foreign Businesses []

IRAN Shifting Targets: The Administration's Plan For Iran By Seymour M. Hersh []

IRAQ How The Bush Administration’s Iraqi Oil Grab Went Awry [] "Capitalism and Freedom" Unmasked By Stephen Lendman - Iraq above all other nations today is a ghoulish testimony to the myth of free market magic, but it's even worse than that. It proves Friedmanomics a crime against humanity and the man who led it a Nobel prize-winning fraud whose legacy is failure. His real time record is so horrific, it's unrevealed in the mainstream to suppress it. [] Abu Ghraib Prisoners Accuse US Companies of Torture By Agence France Press - Two US Army subcontractors accused of torturing prisoners at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib jail go to court Wednesday in a case that highlights the murky legal status of private US companies in Iraq. []

VENEZUELA United Socialist Party of Venezuela Prepares for National Conference [] Noam Chomsky: A Revolution Just Below the Surface []

CUBA Tens of thousands of disciples of the revolutionary leader Che Guevara made the pilgrimage to Ville Grande in the Bolivian jungle yesterday – the spot where he was executed exactly 40 years ago… Che's portrait now hangs in the office of President Evo Morales – the country's first indigenous leader [] Cuban doctors help Che Guevara's killer [] Flashback - President Chavez’s UN Rant Has Cuban Roots []

BOLIVIA The Real Reason People Fear Evo Morales: It's not just that President Evo Morales is indigenous, but that he refuses to sell out the rights of indigenous people. [] Bolivian President Evo Morales on Indigenous Rights, Climate Change, Iraq, Establishing Diplomatic Relations with Iran, Che Guevara's Legacy and More [] "Capitalism is the worst enemy of humanity" Speech by Bolivian President Evo Morales Ayma during the United Nations meeting on Climate Change, New York, September 24, 2007 [] "Let's respect our Mother Earth" - Letter from President Evo Morales to the member representatives of the United Nations on the issue of the environment. [] "In order to live better sometimes you have to exploit, steal, discriminate, and plunder, but to live the good life is to live communally" Central speech by the President of the Republic of Bolivia, Evo Morales Ayma, at the 62nd Session of the United Nations (UN) []

NICARAGUA Nicaragua Today, Part Two - Defying Attacks from the Right, FSLN Government Stays on Course []

ECUADOR Left Triumphs In Ecuadoran Elections, Country’s Institutions To Be Transformed By Roger Burbach []

IRAN The Iran War is on the Front Burner []

USA From WMDs to Social Security: More Bush Stories [] Amnesty lists execution horrors: The use of lethal injections in the US has led to at least nine bungled executions, including one in which the prisoner took 69 minutes to die and another in which the condemned man complained five times: "It don't work," a report by Amnesty International says today. [,,2182952,00.html] Greenspan's Dark Legacy Unmasked By Stephen Lendman - Already the top 1% owns 40% of global assets; the top 10% 85% of them; the top 1% in the US controls one-third of the nation's wealth; the bottom 80% just 15.3%; and the top 20% 84.7%. In contrast, the poorest 20% are in debt, owe more than they own, and it's getting worse. [] The Rise of the Have-Nots By Harold Meyerson - The American middle class has toppled into a world of temporary employment, jobs without benefits, and retirement without security. []

PALESTINE Na'ima is threatening the Jewish majority - A country that builds schools for children from one group and not from another is an apartheid state. [] States or People? The Right to Exist [] Israel - Palestine: The One State Solution: Palestinian-British author and academic, Dr Ghada Karmi, discusses her solution - a secular democratic one state. []

INDIA Saffron Terror By Subhash Gatade - Militant Hindutva is on the rise, but there is a conspiracy of silence that seeks to hide this reality []


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