Support Heart Kids by voting for Heart Children
Support Heart Kids by voting for Heart Children
are giving $250K away to four charities with the most votes
so we are doing a mad rush to get the word out so you can
vote for Heart Children New Zealand.
Our wee ones need
your votes!!
Can you imagine the difference $250,000 can make for a Charity like Heart Children New Zealand who rely completely upon the generosity of the community to provide support services to the 12 babies born every week with a heart defect.
You can make a real difference NOW! If you are an Xtra customer please go to and vote for Heart Children New Zealand. If you are not an Xtra customer please forward this to everyone you know. They might know others who are are. Customers with a Telecom domain name, or sub accounts or aliases of an Xtra email address should use their primary Xtra email address or they may not be eligible for voting.
Go to the site is live.