NZUSA welcomes Canterbury students
The New Zealand Union of Students' Associations (NZUSA) enthusiastically welcomes the decision of University of Canterbury students to rejoin its' national representative body.
"It's fantastic that students have voted overwhelmingly in the recent referendum for the University of Canterbury Students' Association (UCSA) to rejoin NZUSA" says Josh Clark, NZUSA Co-President. "Having UCSA back in the national body will ensure that once again Canterbury students have a national voice."
UCSA President Belinda Bundy also expressed her pleasure at the referendum's outcome, saying "Our students have spoken, and what they have told us is that they want to stand up and be counted. I'm incredibly pleased the UCSA is in a position to carry out this mandate we have been given. I look forward to working much more closely with NZUSA and its' members in the very near future and I am very excited at the prospect of what we can achieve collectively".
"We're really looking forward to a strong, united student voice for 2008. This will be fundamental in achieving wins for students in the 2008 election and beyond" said Josh Clark, NZUSA Co-President.
NZUSA has 16 member students' associations representing over 165,000 students at universities and polytechnics around New Zealand.