Live Webcasts Of Parliament Begin Today

Published: Tue 17 Jul 2007 10:29 AM
Wellington, New Zealand: Kordia(tm)'s operation and maintenance systems will allow New Zealanders an unprecedented view into Parliamentary proceedings when live web-casts of Parliamentary debates begin today at 2pm, Tuesday 17 July 2007.
While the House of Representatives is sitting, around 17.5 hours of proceedings will be televised each week by eight remote controlled cameras.
Members of the public will be able to watch the live streaming on and a continuous quality live feed will be available to broadcasters on all sitting days. Previously, only question-time was covered in full.
Parliament's in-house TV service will also broadcast footage of the political debates captured on camera.
Kordia(tm)'s CEO Geoff Hunt says that the company's core values were pivotal to Kordia(tm) securing this contract.
"With a project such as this, you need to be able to adapt to fit the client's changing needs. We demonstrated that flexibility. That, combined with our expertise and a determination to implement the most efficient methodologies, ensured our successful tender.
"This is yet another example of people and technology coming together to deliver a truly unique product to all New Zealanders."
Kordia(tm)'s four-person operational crew will include an experienced director, technical director, camera operator and a graphics operator - all of whom recently covered the fifth sitting of New Zealand's Youth Parliament.
The project aims to make proceedings in the House more accessible and to improve the public's understanding of the democratic process.
Speaker of the House, Hon Margaret Wilson, says the broadcast will allow the public to view entire debates; not just highlights.
"Televising Parliament is valuable to democracy, as it gives the public the ability to see how legislation is made and how the government of the day conducts itself."
Cameras were installed in the debating chamber over the Easter adjournment and were tested through May and June. Although this is a new step for New Zealand, it means we will be joining around 60 other countries, including most of the OECD, which televise all or part of their parliamentary proceedings.
New Sessional Orders governing filming within Parliament will apply, and facilities for commercial operators to use their own cameras in the House will remain in place.
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For more information, please contact:
Emma Morrison, Kordia(tm) Communications and Brand Manager
+64 21 916 647 / /
About Kordia(tm)
Kordia(tm) is an experienced trans-Tasman business with a new name, and is one of the region's leading providers of customised broadcast and telecommunications networks, network services and converged solutions.
Kordia(tm) owns one of the largest telecommunications networks in New Zealand and is the major provider of television and radio broadcast facilities. In Australia, Kordia(tm) provides design, build and maintenance services to the broadcast and mobile telecommunications sectors as well as engineering services throughout the region.
Kordia(tm)'s business is built on creating harmonisation - the ability to meld customers' ideas into an operating reality, managing technology convergence in today's fast moving world.
The name Kordia(tm) comes from the Latin 'accordia' meaning harmony - bringing people and technology together as one. For more information, please go to

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