Zaoui Hearing Transparently Unfair

Published: Mon 9 Jul 2007 09:42 AM
8th July 2007
Zaoui Hearing Transparently Unfair
Secret sources, secret evidence and a secret hearing
Ahmed Zaoui's right to a fair hearing is being seriously compromised by the secrecy shrouding his Security Risk Certificate review, which opens in Auckland tomorrow Monday, July 9.
This is the first time a Security Risk Certificate has been tested in New Zealand but the secret sources and secret evidence that are being given as a reason to require a secret hearing challenge basic fair trial rights.
"The rationale for a public hearing is to ensure that justice is not only done but is seen to be done. Ahmed Zaoui has requested a public hearing. By failing to give Mr Zaoui the public hearing, the government will arouse understandable suspicion about the integrity of its evidence and its processes," says Margaret Taylor, Amnesty International Spokesperson.
Amnesty International has campaigned for Ahmed Zaoui to receive freedom or a fair hearing since he was granted refugee status on August 1, 2003.
"The lack of transparency in the trial process favours the prosecution over the defence, and does not inspire confidence in a fair outcome. After waiting more than four years for a trial, fairness and transparency is the least that Ahmed Zaoui should expect," says Margaret Taylor.
Amnesty International will be publicly demonstrating its concerns at the beginning of the hearing.
EVENT: Three people will represent three elements of this unfair hearing:
Secret sources – wearing a blindfold
Secret evidence – wearing a gag
Secret hearing – wearing earmuffs.
A caged person wearing an orange 'Guantanamo Bay' jumpsuit will also represent this case's link to the 'War on Terror'.
TIME: Monday, July 9, 8am-10am
LOCATION: Hearing venue, Employment Court, Lorne St (opp. Khartoum Place) Auckland city (back entrance of 280 Queen St).

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