Question-Mark Over Youth Unemployment
Question-Mark Over Youth Unemployment
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Minister of Social Development, David Benson-Pope, today claimed youth unemployment had dropped 92 percent under Labour with only 1,424 18 and 19 year-olds on an Unemployment Benefit at the end of April.
But something isn't stacking up, according to welfare commentator Lindsay Mitchell. "Another government department, Statistics New Zealand, says that at the end of March 2007 there were 27,800 15-19 year-olds unemployed. That was a 15 percent increase from March 2006."
"While it is good news that far fewer people are receiving the unemployment benefit perhaps the Minister can explain how the 27,800 being reported by his colleagues at Statistics New Zealand are supporting themselves. How many 15-19 year-olds are on benefits other than the Unemployment Benefit?"