Protest: Investing in Poverty
The Benefit Rights Service of the Wellington People's Centre will be protesting at the opening of this conference to bring public attention to the fact that this Labour Government intends to pass legislation that undermines the concepts our welfare state is built on.
10 am Tuesday 3 April the Prime Minister is opening a conference titled Investing in Social Success, this seems a paradox as the Labour party rushes through an amendment bill which values work above all other contributions to society.
Kay Brereton the coordinator of the Benefit Rights Service comments that under this bill:
"Work is given greater importance than parenting, caring responsibilities, and the barriers faced by those who find themselves unable to work due to sickness and disability."
"The amendment bill if passed will put our society's vulnerable members, in an even more precarious position than they are now, with increased obligations and greater fear of sanctions against their income."
"Surely to invest in social success we should consider the many and varied contributions that citizens make to our society and find ways of recognizing the worth of these contributions within our system."
"Apparently only employed parents are entitled to assistance to value their parenting role; and those who find themselves unable to work due to factors beyond their personal control should just try harder!"