Whenuakite repossession moves to new phase

Published: Wed 28 Mar 2007 11:26 AM
Media Statement 27 March 2007
Whenuakite repossession moves to new phase
For immediate use
Yesterday, Ngati Hei and Hauraki Whanui moved off the disputed Whenuakite lands, but left behind a pouwhenua that embodies the spirit of the repossession.
Joe Davis, spokesperson for Ngati Hei said the pouwhenua is symbolic of the people who took action to stop the sale of Whenuakite. It remains on the whenua to keep vigil on our behalf.
“We moved onto the Whenuakite lands to stop the sale by Landcorp. Last week when Landcorp announced it would defer the sale for a year we felt that we had achieved what we could from the repossession for now and we are leaving as a mark of good faith,” Mr Davis said.
“Our focus now is to participate in the two reviews announced by the government and to advance our Waitangi Tribunal application to have the lands returned as part of the Hauraki Treaty settlement,” he said.
Mr Davis said the support we have received from the local community, Iwi and people and groups from all around New Zealand has been overwhelming.
“All we can say is a heartfelt thank you. Your words of support, your prayers and your donations and gifts of food, water and other supplies lifted our spirits and sustained us throughout the repossession,” he said.
Mr Davis said he would also like to acknowledge the leadership shown by the Hauraki Maori Trustboard to those involved in the Whenuakite issue.

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