Minister Wrong About Sickness Benefits
Minister Wrong About Sickness And Invalid Benefits
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
December 2006 figures show that the numbers of people on either a sick- ness or invalid's benefit continue to grow, welfare commentator, Lindsay Mitchell said today.
"Last year David Benson-Pope, the Minister for Social Development, was assuring us that the rate of growth had slowed. It has not."
"During 2005 the increase was 3,171. Last year the total caseload grew by 4,104 to reach an incredible 125,466."
"This despite the government's intensive and expensive efforts to get people off these benefits and into jobs. In many cases these benefits have become the de facto dole. The OECD estimates that across western countries only one third of people relying on incapacity benefits are suffering the sorts of 'severe disabilities' that make paid work difficult or impossible."