A steamroller through the heart of Wellington
27 December 2006
A steamroller through the heart of Wellington
The building of the Bypass and the destruction of an historic part of Wellington is a tragedy that must never be repeated said Green Party spokesperson for Wellington City Iona Pannett.
Ms. Pannett said that Wellingtonians have no cause to celebrate the opening of the northbound route of the Bypass, which is opening at 6:00am on Thursday 28th December. “The public have been hoodwinked into believing that this road will solve Wellington’s congestion problems.
The Bypass is a 1960s solution to a 21st century problem. Instead of considering innovative solutions to Wellington’s congestion problems, Transit and the Council have opted to drive a steamroller through the heart of Wellington.”
Ms. Pannett said it was time for the Council and Transit to make good on their promises of public transport and pedestrian improvements such as more bus lanes, traffic calming and closing off a lane of traffic on the waterfront.
She said “the Bypass is a very sad chapter in the history of Wellington. A community has been destroyed, part of our shared history has been demolished and the chance for a real solution to a Wellington transport problem has been lost.”