40 Hour Working Week Not A Reality for Many
< 40 Hour Working Week Not A Reality for Many
Low Wage Workers: CTU “The 40 hour working week which was
fought so hard for is not a reality for many low income
workers,” CTU secretary Carol Beaumont said
today. “Years of rising economic growth and people
working longer and longer hours have failed deliver a fair
deal for all, and the CTU is marking Labour Day tomorrow
with a call to action on low wages.” “A fair minimum
wage is one that is set at two thirds of the average wage,
and we are calling for the minimum wage to be indexed at
this level. In the meantime we need a $12 minimum wage now,
not in 2008, and an end to youth rates. “Employers must take the lead too, and start
sharing the benefits of economic growth by paying workers
better wages.” The CTU is launching a report today on
low pay in New Zealand, as part of the union movement’s
campaign this year to this year to address poverty wages in
New Zealand. “Unions have been very active this year in
campaigning for justice in wages, for cleaners, for support
staff, for hospital and aged care workers, factory workers
and many other low income workers. Today’s report reflects
on the strength ordinary working people have when they
organise together in unions to get a fairer deal at
work.” “This Labour Day is time to reflect on what
unions have achieved for working people over many years, and
to recommit to ending poverty in this country through making
low wages history,” Carol Beaumont said.
October 2006
- Low Wages Report Released Today
To Mark Labour Day
"We acknowledge
that this Labour-led government has increased the minimum
wage by 46% since 1999 - in stark contrast to the National
Party freezing it at $7 during its last years in
The CTU's
report is here: http://www.union.org.nz/news/733.html