Feltex bid a good sign

Published: Sun 1 Oct 2006 02:42 PM
Feltex bid a good sign
News that the Australian carpet-maker Godfrey Hirst has lodged an unconditional bid for Feltex Carpets is being greeted with cautious optimism by workers.
Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union national secretary Andrew Little said the fact that Godfrey Hirst wanted to buy Feltex as a going concern was good news.
“There has understandably been a lot of concern among workers about the future of Feltex, especially since it was put into receivership by the ANZ Bank last Friday,” he said.
National Distribution Union national secretary Laila Harre said that unions would be seeking more information about the bid.
“We have no details yet of the Godfrey Hirst offer, but the fact that it wants to buy Feltex as a going concern rather than cherry-picking the assets is a positive sign,” she said.
The NDU represents production workers at Feltex plants in New Zealand while the EPMU represents the trades and maintenance workers.

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