Conference Turns Spotlight On Aged Care
10 September 2006
Conference Turns Spotlight On Future of Aged Residential Care
HealthCare Providers NZ conference opens in Christchurch on Monday 11 September. The theme of the conference, "Securing Your Future", focuses on the core health service of aged residential care and how to lay secure foundations for its future development.
Keynote speakers include:
Dr Don Brash,
leader of the National Party will address the conference
setting out National's vision for the future.
Armstrong, CEO of Amity Group (Australia) will present on
the Australian Accommodation bond policy, and
Helen Bartlett an international renowned geriatrician will
discuss how to improve the interface between community and
residential care.
"The core health service of aged residential care is at a watershed. To satisfy future capacity demands and consumer service expectations, we need to innovate and invest in facilities and our workforce. Unfortunately, the pressure for change is happening at a time of systemic under-funding, which undermines innovation and future planning", said Martin Taylor, Chief Executive, Healthcare Providers NZ.
"We also need to be realistic about how to fund aged care now and in the future. The government will not be able to sustain present funding levels for all New Zealanders for ever. The aging population makes this inevitable. Therefore, we must explore alternative funding options, such as accommodation bonds, as this is the only way to create a sustainable sector" said Mr. Taylor.
The conference brings together providers from across the entire aged residential care sector and representatives from government agencies, non-government organizations and research agencies.