Ngati Ruanui Descendants Urged To Participate
September 1, 2006
Ngati Ruanui Descendants Urged To Participate
Te Runanga o Ngati Ruanui is the recognized governance entity of Taranaki’s Ngati Ruanui iwi and in its third year of post settlement status.
In a drive to move toward an era of economic growth and lifestyle development for Ngati Ruanui descendants, the Runanga recently appointed Directors to its Holdings and Development companies.
An impending campaign to attract nominations for representatives will kick off in early September with a two-week period assigned to receiving nominations. The newly elected Häpu Representatives will serve a term of three years with Elections taking place on November 19.
Deputy Chair Ngapari Nui, Lance Kennedy says the purpose of the campaign is to increase awareness for the elections process for the descendants, “as well as touch base with our people. We want descendants to stand as delegates for their Häpu and to vote during the process”.
The pro-active approach to the Elections is focused on a target audience of descendants who are 18 years or older on the 19th November 2006 and those that are registered descendants of Ngati Ruanui on the 19th November 2006.
More specifically, eligible descendants of the Hapu of Ahitahi, Araukuku, Hamua, Hapotiki, Ngati Hawe, Nga Ariki, Ngati Hine, Ngati Tupaea, Ngati Tanewai, Tuwhakaehu, Ngati Takou, Rangitaawhi, Ngati Tupito, Ngati Ringi, Ngati Kotuku, and Tuatahi are urged to participate.
Those who wish to stand for the Election as a Hapu Representative must complete a Candidate Nomination Form, which must be received by the Secretary no later than 5.00pm, Friday 15th September 2006.
To obtain or view a Candidate Nomination Form or to make any other enquiries regarding the Elections, people should contact Lance Kennedy on 0800 782 684 (0800 RUANUI), Email: or visIt the website: