Ruby Harrold-Claesson Media Pack
Ruby Harrold-Claesson has arrived in New Zealand
to NZ by over 200 concerned organizations, lobby groups,
and individuals
She is a Swedish lawyer and
specialises in family law, e.g. guardianship
cases and
cases dealing with parental rights, criminal cases etc.
defends families in Sweden who are being prosecuted
and who are having their
children taken from them under
the Swedish no-smacking legislation.
She will be appearing
on TV1's Close Up, TV3's Campbell Live, Newstalk
Leighton Smith show, and is being interviewed by the
NZ Herald and the
Dominion Post, amongst many
She is also appearing at a number of political
meetings, including a
cross-Party function and is meeting
the Children and Family Commissioners.
Please see the
attached Media Pack which contains additional
* results of polls over the past
12 months giving a resounding NO to
Sue Bradford's
proposed ban on smacking
* actual cases in Sweden - that
cut through the rhetoric of the
supporters of a ban on
smacking in NZ and sound a clear warning as to
effects on families. Read and weep!
See... Ruby Harrold-Claesson Media Pack