Low Income Workers Affected By Petrol Prices
17 July 2006
Low Income Workers Among Those Affected By Higher Petrol Prices
"The impact of petrol prices is affecting the weekly budgets of the many low income workers in this country," CTU President Ross Wilson said, after the latest CPI figures out this morning.
"High petrol prices have a significant effect on low income workers, and unions will continue to push for decent wages increases this year through industry wide bargaining and in a national campaign calling for a $12 minimum wage and an end to youth rates."
"Workers need regular wage increases at above the level of inflation if we are to address our structural problem of low wages, which are around 35% lower than in Australia."
"Closing such a large wage gap is by necessity a medium and long-term task that requires high levels of investment in modern infrastructure and technology, innovation, and skills development."
"But allowing real wages to fall in the short run is not an option," said Ross Wilson.