Welfare State Killed Kahui Twins, Says Watchdog
Press Release: 13-7-06
Welfare State Killed Kahui Twins, Says Watchdog
A prominent justice watchdog is blaming the welfare state for the horrific level of child abuse in New Zealand and believes the recent deaths of the Kahui twins and others like them are predictable and preventable.
“There is nothing more lethal than a person who is made to feel worthless by their country and given handouts instead of being helped to help themselves. Prime them with a cocktail of drugs and you have time-bomb waiting to explode,” said Sensible Sentencing Trust spokesman, Garth McVicar.
The Kahui family, living in two state homes, are believed to be receiving an estimated $2087.48 a week in benefits.
The Sensible Sentencing Trust said past and present governments had made lethal weapons out of potentially fine young people, stripping them of their motivation to succeed by handing out benefits with no accountability.
Mr McVicar said various governments had aided and abetted the killers by encouraging "child abuse training camps" – ghettos where men have lost the ability to work, lost the ability to fend for their family and lost any semblance of pride in themselves.
"Most of these killings were entirely predictable. In fact most of them have been waiting to happen for the last thirty years, planned by politicians who should have known better - should have known what the social consequences of the welfare state would be.
"Politicians have foolishly blended race, drugs, alcohol and unemployment into one big melting pot and the result was entirely predictable.
"When we destroy man’s ability and will to work we destroy a his ability and will to function".