Sharples position on 90 days bill welcomed by CTU
20 June 2006
Pita Sharples
position on 90 days bill welcomed by CTU Runanga
Council of Trade Unions Runanga is welcoming Maori Party
co-leader Pita Sharples' decision to vote against a National
Bill setting up a 90 day period with no rights of appeal
against unfair dismissal.
"We will work constructively with the other Maori Party MPs who are yet to decide what action they will be taking on the 90 Days bill," said Syd Keepa, Convenor of the CTU Runanga.
"Our view is clear - this proposal will be no good for Maori workers. We agree that Maori unemployment is still too high but advocate for an investment approach that builds on Maori potential, rather than exposing Maori workers to unfair sacking."
"We welcome the decision Pita Sharples has reached, and the feedback he had from his constituents in Tamaki Makaurau. We hope that the two remaining Maori party MPs will join with Pita in rejecting this Bill also," said Syd Keepa.