Power woes show there's much to discuss

Published: Wed 14 Jun 2006 02:31 PM
Power woes show there's much to discuss
News Release For immediate release
June 14 – The current power troubles which have crippled Auckland show there is still a lot of urgent work to be done on securing New Zealand’s power supply.
While business and civic leaders count the cost to the country’s largest city of a day without power in many areas, attendees at next month’s Conferenz 8th Annual New Zealand Energy Summit in Wellington have a crucial set of problems to discuss and resolve.
“Weather issues are always going to present risks but it is precisely because we know of that ever-present threat that we need to plan for it and actually move to ensure the country is prepared,” Steve Scott, Managing Director of Conferenz, said.
“The problems are certainly complex, but this week’s power disruptions to business and households prove the need for industry participants and experts to work together towards a solution.”
Many New Zealanders had a flash back to 1998’s prolonged power crisis and many were surprised that the supply issues had not been resolved. Office discussions around the city today were led by wry jokes about New Zealand’s ‘third world’ status and followed up by indignation that 1998’s lesson had not been learnt and resolved.
“New Zealand is positioning itself as a credible, world class business and living destination but events such as this week’s disruption threaten that reputation,” Mr Scott said.
Attendees at the July 17-19 Conferenz 8th Annual New Zealand Energy Summit include central government, regulatory bodies, SOEs and Government agencies, transmission and lines companies, generators/retailers, key industry organizations, large energy users, infrastructure companies, industry consultants and analysts, local councils, power equipment suppliers.
To register for the Conferenz Energy Summit, contact .

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