Protecting New Zealand? Yeah right!
MEDIA RELEASE Outdoor Recreation
13 June 2006
Protecting New Zealand? Yeah right!
"Headlines claiming that we are protecting our country are nothing but a crock full of Bureaucratic crap", said Tony Smart who is the1080 and Animal Control Spokesperson for Outdoor Recreation NZ.
"The Government is using taxpayer funds in pushing propaganda down the public's throat over the airdrop of tons of 1080 onto our bush and waterways. The claims of protecting New Zealand are utter rubbish. The great killing of wildlife such as our native bird life, the defilement of the land, and the waterways in the sacred Te Urewera National Park have begun yet again.
"The area being bombarded now by the droppingof tons of 1080 - the most dangerous toxic poison - onto the bush and into the waterways has NEVER had a TB problem! Well, of course that's until the Animal Health Board, Department of Conservation and the various Regional councils involved found they had $1.8 million of taxpayers money to burn and nowhere to burn it.
"So how do they justify it? Two deer ignominiously found to be carrying TB in an area where there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of live deer captured by trapping and caught by helicopters; shot animals taken for venison exports, and never a positive TB reactor was found in all those animals taken. The finding of two Tb reactors is too convenient to be true!
"Last year when I attended a 1080 meeting in Katikati, the spokesperson from the Animal Health Board made some pretty shocking statements. He claimed that he was passionate about wiping out all introduced species in New Zealand that may or may not give his cattle TB! The man isn't even a Kiwi! He's a bloody guest in our land!
"The greatest danger to our meat exports is'nt TB but 1080 residue in a meat export order. Our trading partners could easily get sick of importing food products from our poisoned land and who could blame them. These Government organizations are telling the public big fat porkies. They are misleading the public by misrepresenting the truth, innuendoes and false statements. Theyt never tell us the true facts; that 1080 is listed by the World Health Organization as the number one most toxic poison on earth. Or that 1080 has no antidote. That exposure causes damage to the unborn child, fertility damage and damage to internal organs, as well as a host of other long-term heath issues.
"1080 is extremely toxic to Aquatic life, phytoxic to many plant species. Dried carcasses as a result of 1080 will remain dangerous to dogs, cats and humans for an indefinite period. It is so toxic that a single mouse killed by the poison can carry enough toxin to kill an adult dog. So, why are we pumping any of it on our land? The worst thing is that those whose responsibility it is to look after our great outdoors are the ones letting it happen."