Democrats Attack Brash Waste Of Taxes
Friday, 9 June 2006
Democrats Attack Brash Waste Of Taxes
The National Party postcard campaign on tax cuts displays again how locked into last century’s failed solutions Don Brash is.
“The reality for this and future generations of taxpayers is that for the past 20 years National and Labour have driven policies which reduced expenditure on essential infrastructure” according to Waikato Democrat spokesman, Trevor Crosbie “The realisation that the ‘reforms and restructuring’ of the 80s and 90s led to NZ becoming a low income, skill deficit country with major service delivery issues, has finally hit home and both parties are desperately trying to be seen doing something about it”
Unfortunately reductions in taxes and increasing our debt are not new proposals and have never succeeded in addressing the issue of funding the roading and other big projects Dr Brash refers to – without cuts in health, education and other public good infrastructure.
“Cuts to services and a reduction in spending on essential infrastructure have always been a feature of any prioritisation or reform by both Labour and National Governments for decades and taxes have still continued to rise, as has our debt levels” continued Mr Crosbie “A new mechanism that does not drive up debt and taxes is needed to fund essential infrastructure and the Democrats Community Credit proposal will achieve that.
“History indicates Dr Brash’s $90,000.00 lemonade campaign won’t provide much by way of aid and will be just another lemon the taxpayer will have to suck on” concluded Mr. Crosbie