Protests outside of lawyers and judges homes
Press release
Fathers Coalition
Protests outside of lawyers and judges homes
Further protest took place outside the homes of lawyers and judges at Palmerston North on Saturday the 20th of May and again at Auckland on Sunday 21st May.
A growing number of men and women concerned at behaviours at the family court are continuing and expanding their protests.
The primary reason for the demonstrations are firstly their concern at the harmful effects family court process is having on children as well as negative effects on fathers and mothers.
People keep telling me that we live in one of the best countries in the world “Godzone” but !!
NZ Teens have the highest youth suicide rate in the world
NZ has the highest rate of cannabis use and 3rd highest methamphetamine in the world.
NZ has the second highest prison population in the world
NZ has the third highest child death rate because of maltreatment in the world.
NZ has the highest mortality rate from solvent abuse, 2nd highest teen pregnancy, 2nd highest crime rate.
UNICEF reports NZ at 6 times the OECD average for child deaths from abuse and maltreatment (3rd worst of 27 countries, 13 times higher than Spain)
Children growing up in single-parent families are twice as likely as their counterparts to develop serious psychiatric illnesses and addictions later in life.
at a Glance 2001, Statistical Annex Table D3. UNICRI (United
Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute).
World Health Organisation Statistical Information
System, OECD
If present trends continue, by year 2010 over half of all European infants and over three quarters of all Maori infants will live in fatherless families.
More than 300,000 children in New Zealand have no contact with their father, 89,000 have been processed by the Family Court and suffered emotional abuse by being deprived of their father and their extended family
There are over 150 suicides every year in New Zealand committed by fathers unable to see their children.
Half of the girls in South Auckland over the age of 11 have a sexually transmitted disease (1 in 4 teenagers nationally)
A substantial part of the
problem is father less ness. United States Bureau of Census,
Father deprivation is a more reliable predictor of
criminal activity than race, enjoinment or poverty. Father
deprived children are;
72% of all teenage murderers
of rapists
70% of children incarcerated
Twice as
likely to quit school
Eleven times more likely to be
75% of teenage suicides
80% of adolescents in
psychiatric hospitals
90% of runaways
75% of teenage
Serious wrongs in the process of Family Court adjudication over a child's well being have occurred and are contributing to our national shame of father less ness and poor outcomes for children that amount to state sanctioned child abuse.