Priorities Critical Say CCS
Media Release
19 May 2006
Priorities Critical Say CCS
CCS, the disability support and advocacy group, believe that given a Select Committee Enquiry is now proceeding, what it covers is critical.
“CCS will be in a much better position to comment in full when we have read the Terms of Reference from the Select Committee. If it chooses to look into the procedures of the whole of the disability sector then that can never be a bad thing,” said Viv Maidaborn, CEO of CCS.
The disability organisation believes this is an opportunity for the review committee to look into the progress of government spending to support disabled New Zealanders to live ordinary lives.
“Priority should be given to those areas where information has been collected but no action taken, such as early support for families, flexible funding and supported independent living. The review must also include considering the rates the Ministries of Health and Social Development pay community agencies and whether these are fair and sustainable,” said Viv Maidaborn.