LGNZ considering Commission’s decion
27 April 2006
LGNZ considering implications of Commission’s decision
Local Government New Zealand’s Acting President Kerry Prendergast today congratulated the collaborative efforts of those councils whose districts and regions had been potentially affected by Transpower’s proposed 400KV line upgrade, following the Electricity Commission’s announcement today of its draft decision not to approve the proposal.
“Councils have been geared up to process the notice of requirement for the 400KV Transmission Line proposal and have worked collaboratively to make the process a seamless one. This is the first time that so many councils have worked together on a linear infrastructure project of this magnitude. It has been heartening to see them put aside their own personal opinions and feelings about the project to work toward workable solutions for the greater good of their communities,” Ms Prendergast said.
The collaborative process is now likely to be deferred until councils have a clear indication of any new proposals.
Local Government New Zealand has always been a strong advocate for leaving local decisions in local hands and the organisation will be in talks with both Transpower and the Electricity Commission to advocate that councils and their communities are consulted throughout any decision-making process.
Local Government New Zealand will be meeting with the Electricity Commission, Transpower and councils on the 1st of May to discuss the way forward.