HappyClappingHomos on Maxim's Thought of the Week
HappyClappingHomos on Maxim's Thought of the Week
HappyClappingHomos would like to pass comment on the Maxim Institute and their ‘Thought for the Week’. This weeks thought comes from Edmund Burke and states that
“It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.”
We wonder with interest exactly to whom the Institute is referring particularly given that it has been (and still is) very vocal over the last couple of years and has become one of the “loudest complainers for the public”. We applaud the Institute for finally coming to the realisation that it is not in fact doing service to the community, but rather is producing a lot of hot air
HappyClappingHomos.com is a Wellington based gay rights web site. We keep an eye on the ramblings of Destiny and City Impact Churches’, Paul “City-Impact Pastor” Adams and the rest of UFNZ. We watch and question The Maxim Institute, Garnet Milne, the Society for Prevention of Film Festivals and the rest of the weird and whacky nuts who sprung up over the Civil Unions debate
We can be found at www.happyclappinghomos.com
Yours truly,
Scott Stevens
Chief Happy Clapping Homo and Lord Protector (If Brian can make up titles, so can we)