Rooftop Demonstration at Solid Energy Headquarters
MEDIA RELEASE For immediate release 15th February 2005
Rooftop Demonstration at Solid Energy Headquarters
Three Save Happy Valley Coalition members have been hanging from the roof of Solid Energy’s headquarters in Christchurch since 9am today. They are hanging from the 15 metre front façade of the Christchurch offices holding banners “Save Happy Valley, Support the Occupation” and “Save Happy Valley, Stop Solid Energy”.
They scaled the building in the middle of the night, and two are now suspended holding the banners. The third is on the roof-top. “This protest is a continuation of our non-violent direct action to stop Solid Energy’s proposed mine in a pristine ecosystem,” said Save Happy Valley Coalition spokesperson Frances Mountier. Happy Valley is located 25km north-east of Westport.
“This rooftop demonstration is in solidarity with those members of the public currently occupying the proposed mine site in Happy Valley. The occupation will not end until the Government brings its state owned enterprise under control and stops this mine.” said Frances.
“The proposed Happy Valley mine will destroy the habitat of the nationally endangered great spotted kiwi and twelve other threatened species. Despite predictions that the kiwi will become extinct on the mainland in the next 15 years, we have a state-owned enterprise proposing the deliberate destruction of prime kiwi habitat.
“Climate change is the most pressing ecological issue in the world today and yet Solid Energy’s proposed Happy Valley mine will result in 12 million tonnes of climate changing carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere. If the Labour Government wants to maintain a commitment to stopping climate change it must step in, bring Solid Energy under control, and stop this mine,” said Frances.