Maxim Queried on Rosa Parks Position
Maxim Queried on Rosa Parks Position
HappyClappingHomos once again commends the Maxim Institute for its apparent failure to grasp the irony of its position. Maxim has paid tribute this month to the passing of Black civil rights icon, Rosa Parks. As Maxim rightly say:
"One day an ordinary lady decided to stand up against the injustice which she and others suffered. In an act of civil disobedience, Rosa Parks broke the segregation laws by refusing to vacate her seat on the bus for a white man, despite knowing she was likely to face a penalty for breaking the law."
It begs the question of how the Institute justifies this homage given its position that 'diversity as a moral imperative reduces freedom';. The Institute also stated that the law is right to discriminate against those who do not offer the same benefits to society as their 'mainstream' counterparts, "To discriminate is to recognise difference, i.e. to differentiate".
We remind the Institute that the Alabama State Legislature also believed that differences between its citizens should be recognised, and that those who were recognised, as being "different" did not offer the same benefits to society. Interestingly enough, inter-racial marriages were recognised (or rather not) in the same way in Alabama, such relationships were punishable by a prison term not exceeding 3 years for those involved.
It is ironic that the segregation that Parks fought against and became a symbol for is exactly the same form of segregation that Maxim would introduce here based on sexuality and indeed culturally.
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