WAC: Bonanza sellout on the campaign trail
WAC: Bonanza sellout on the campaign trail
Last week, political billboards throughout Wellington, regardless of their affiliation, had 'Sold out to capitalist interests' slapped on them.
"No matter who gets voted in, all government's sell out to capitalist interests and ignore democracy.", said Wildcat Anarchist Collective Spokesperson, Ben Phulin.
"We have an election awash with tawdry bribes and the underlying promise that workers can be guaranteed another 3 years of spirit-crushing anti-democratic workplaces, the unemployed are guaranteed another 3 years of being ignored or being 'jobs jolted' depending on the politician's mood, and minority groups and tangata whenua will have the added bonus of being told to shut up and assimilate if they demand to be noticed beyond cultural festivals."
"It's the same old shit, no matter if it's tinged red, blue, green, yellow or polka dot. Change the system, not politicians".