Rally To Free Schapelle Corby - J Day Cathedral Sq
Rally To Free Schapelle Corby - International J Day 2005
- Cathedral Square
Christchurch will be joining with over 200 cities to protest cannabis prohibition and celebrate International J Day and the Million Marijuana March this Saturday 7 May 2005 from 12.00pm - 4.20pm. All are welcome.
The focus of the rally will be about the countless thousands of innocent victims in this abominable 'Drug War' of which Schapelle Corby is just one of many pawns in a much bigger game.
Derek McCullough, Pastor for the Universal Unitarian Church will say a prayer and hold a minute's silence for these unnecessary casualties and victims of the Drug War.
Larry Ross of the Nuclear Free Peace Making Association will be talking about 'Drugs for Arms' overseas and Labour MP for Christchurch Central Tim Barnett, will be telling us where the Government is up to in New Zealand on the cannabis law reform issue. According to our sources, the next stage, is for the issue to be progressed, through the Justice and Electoral Committee.
The newly formed Freedom Party will be attending along with representation from the Green Party, the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party, including lobby groups Mild Greens and NORML,
as well as interested individuals.
Music always plays an integral part of any rally and you can look forward to Mark Bradford, Dave Gideon and friends, with Rapper Jason and Damons' Drummers interspersed between the Guest Speakers and the ACTION!!!
You will have to come along on the day to find out what the street action of 'DON'T GIVE UP THE FIGHT' and PROHIBITON FREE ZONES mean.
Thank you for reading our Notice we hope to see you there.