Destiny's man for Manukau speaks out on Crime
3 May 2005
Destiny's man for Manukau speaks out on Crime
Destiny New Zealand leader Richard Lewis told the Botany Community Board last night that the Counties Manukau Police were understaffed, under resourced and inexperienced. The meeting attended by local community members was a forum to discuss crime in the area.
"The first speaker (Labour MP for Manukau East, Ross Robertson) is incredibly naive if he thinks 14 new recruits are going to solve the crime problem in this area. The staffing issue is not just relevant to this district but right across the board. We have a crisis in numbers and also experience, because recruits can't replace the investigative instincts that develop with time and experience.
The major concern is with seasoned officers leaving the force out of sheer frustration with an incompetent and ignorant government" he said. Mr Lewis, a former Sergeant at Manukau Emergency Response gave passionate insight into the challenges that police face in the district based on his experience in the area. Lewis will be contesting the Manukau East electorate at this year's general election.