Civil Union Act - Destructive Legislation
28 April 2005
Civil Union Act - Destructive Legislation
At a community meeting in Manukau last night, Destiny New Zealand Leader Richard Lewis slammed the Civil Union Act as one of the most destructive pieces of legislation ever to be introduced.
"As a nation founded on Christian values, something has gone horribly amiss to find ourselves world-famous for posting the record for the fastest same-sex marriage laws ever to be introduced into a country. Marriage as we've traditionally known it has literally been redefined by law overnight - it no longer holds any special meaning or status".
"It's important to remember that the institution of marriage was not created by the state - it was merely recognised in law for the universal benefits it provides to society because it is the stable basis for family life and raising children. A Civil Union on the other hand is a state created institution designed to appease the demands of an extreme minority - a tiny group that doesn't even make up one percent of our population. It creates broken families if children are involved and it normalises an extreme minority lifestyle", he said.
Lewis pointed out that over 90 percent of submissions received on the Bill were in staunch opposition, and that much like the Prostitution Act, the Labour-led Government had steamrolled the public's wishes.
"So this weekend we will witness the celebration of same-sex marriages and the proliferation of the homosexual message will move into overdrive throughout our communities. The 'special rights' afforded to this extreme minority now demand approval and sponsorship by us all - including the educators of our children and in time, the pastors and the preachers. For the sake of our children and future generations, the present Labour-led government and its social engineering agenda have got to go. Destiny New Zealand is committed to restoring traditional values and principled convictions back into politics", he said.