‘Every Child Counts’
19 April 2005
‘Every Child Counts’ is an exciting development in election year,” says Warwick Harvey, Chair of Barnardos New Zealand’s Board.
“The high profile campaign, aimed at promoting the interests of children is long overdue.”
Already more than 100 organisations and more than 1500 individuals, including a former governor- general, members of the judiciary, business people and church people, retired people and working people, have registered their support for the campaign. Numbers are rising rapidly as the campaign gains momentum.
“The campaign has struck a chord with those who no longer want to stand by and watch as the welfare of New Zealand’s children continues to rank amongst the worst in the developed world,” says Warwick.
“As the largest charitable child welfare organisation in New Zealand, Barnardos is whole heartedly behind and actively involved in the ‘Every Child Counts’ campaign.”
“I urge all New Zealanders to register their support and ensure that the interests of children are seared into the consciences of politicians and political parties in the lead up to the General Election. We want the interests of children to figure large in the coalition agreement of the incoming government.”