Caritas Emergencies Manager Leaves for Aceh

Published: Fri 28 Jan 2005 03:40 PM
Friday 28 January, 2005
Caritas Emergencies Manager Leaves for Aceh
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Emergencies Manager, Tim Chiswell leaves Christchurch on Monday 31 January, bound for the disaster ravaged region of Aceh, Indonesia.
Aceh was one of the regions worst affected by the Boxing Day Tsunami with an immense loss of life and hundreds of thousands left without food, water, shelter and livelihoods.
Chiswell who has had fifteen years experience in emergency and development work says he will be talking with Caritas partners working on the ground in Aceh, monitoring the progress made to date and ensuring that Caritas funds are being used in the best possible way.”
“The New Zealand public have responded so generously, with $1.1 million donated so far to the Caritas Tsunami Appeal, and it is important that Caritas is able to say to our donors that the funds are being used to help communities in need.”
Since the disaster, Caritas partners Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS), Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and Caritas Netherlands (CORDAID) have been involved in the distribution of food, water and family kits containing blankets, cooking utensils and other relief items, together with providing shelter and medical care.
Chiswell will also be discussing with partners, the next phase of the relief effort - rehabilitation. Caritas will be involved in assisting with more permanent housing, reintegrating displaced people and providing counselling services for affected families and communities.
“A month on from the tsunami there will still be a long way to go in the clean-up operation but I hope to see the relief agencies starting to make a difference in the day-to-day lives of those affected. This is just the beginning, there is still a long way to go,” says Chiswell.

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