Kiwi engineer returns from Aceh
Tuesday 25 January 2005
Kiwi engineer returns from Aceh
Engineer Dave Neru of Wellington is expected back from the disaster-struck region of Aceh, Indonesia tomorrow (Wednesday 26). Neru, an experienced water and sanitation expert with disaster management experience was seconded to Oxfam by the New Zealand Water and Waste Association. With fellow Kiwi engineer, Les Collins, he has been working with the Oxfam International team, restoring water supplies in the devastated region. The two Kiwis have made an enormous and valuable contribution to the critical first month of relief.
One month after the tsunami, Oxfam has provided 75,000 people across Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar and Aceh Jaya with humanitarian assistance. The assistance has come in the form of an integrated approach to water, sanitation and public health with support of local partners.
Neru will arrive on a morning flight and will be met at Auckland International Airport by his wife Jenni Price who is flying up from Wellington to meet him. He will then spend time with Oxfam staff, briefing them with first-hand knowledge of Oxfam’s on-the-ground relief efforts.
Neru will be available for interviews in Auckland between 1pm and 5.30pm before flying home to Wellington.