Oxfam sending Kiwi engineer to Sri Lanka today

Published: Mon 10 Jan 2005 02:57 PM
Oxfam sending Kiwi engineer to Sri Lanka today
Oxfam New Zealand’s Water Programme Manager, Kate Medlicott, leaves for the disaster-struck region of northern Sri Lanka tonight. Medlicott (31), a water and sanitation engineer, leaves Auckland at 21:00 hours and is expected to arrive in Colombo late tomorrow. She will be met by Oxfam operational staff there and will proceed to the Tamil-controlled northern region to join the growing Oxfam team on the ground.
Oxfam New Zealand’s Water Programme Manager, Kate Medlicott.
Medlicott has been with Oxfam for two years, managing Oxfam’s water projects in India, Papua New Guinea and Africa. She was also involved in cyclone relief work following Cyclone Ivy in Vanuatu in 2003. Before joining Oxfam, Kate worked for several years with remote rural communities in Lao on UNICEF and other United Nations programmes, managing water and sanitation programmes. She has also worked with the World Health Organisation.
Medlicott said: “I have no doubts that the coming weeks will be challenging, but I’m pleased to be able to contribute to the current emergency in such a practical way. Based on feedback from the two Kiwi engineers Oxfam flew up to Banda Aceh last week, I expect to be working long hours under tough conditions.”
Kate Medlicott.
Dave Neru and Les Collins arrived in Banda Aceh late last week and are working with a team of Oxfam engineers establishing fresh water supplies and sanitation facilities for around 60,000 people living in makeshift camps since being displaced by the recent earthquake and tsunami. Across the region, Oxfam is already providing water and sanitation and other aid to 320,000 people and gearing up to help 600,000.
To donate to Oxfam New Zealand’s TSUNAMI EMERGENCY APPEAL call 800 400 666 or donate online

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