3 News TNS Opinion Poll Results - 4 Dec 2004
Press Release: 3 News TNS Opinion Poll
Saturday 4th December
25th November to 1st December 2004
Projected number of seats in the House on the basis of the latest poll results
seats ----------- seats
Option --------- Option
One* ------------ Two*
Labour ::::: 62 --|-- 60
National ::: 42 --|-- 41
NZ First :::: 9 --|-- 9
Green Party 7 --|-- 7
Progressive 0 --|-- 1
ACT ::::::::::: 0 --|-- 0
United Future 0 --|-- 3
Total seats :::120 121
One* These figures include only those parties who gain above the 5% threshold on the Party Vote, and do not take into account Electorate Vote support
Two* These figures are based on Progressive and United Future winning one electorate seat as currently
For further
information contact:
Steve Kirk
visit our web
Labour maintains their lead over National…
Labour has a 14 point lead over National in Party Vote support. On party support alone this would translate to 62 seats in Parliament and Labour would be able to govern alone. If Peter Dunne and Jim Anderton win their Electorate seats, then Labour would still retain overall control with Mr Anderton’s support.
Helen Clark retains a 35% preferred Prime Minister rating, a figure she has not been below since October 2001. Almost two thirds of the people interviewed said they thought she was performing well in her role. This compares to just under a third saying Don Brash is performing well as leader of the National Party in opposition.
Preference for Don Brash as Prime Minister has fallen to 16%, just 5 points ahead of Winston Peters, and 11 points down on his peak level of support in March this year.
Movements in opinions for Don Brash since March:
Capable Leader --|-- down 14
Has a lot of personality --|-- down 12
Good in a crisis --|-- down 9
Sound judgement --|-- down 8
Down to earth --|-- down 8
Understands the economic problems for NZ --|-- down 7
Talks down to people --|-- up 9
Rather narrow minded --|-- up 8
Out of touch with ordinary people --|-- up 11
Research MethodologyDate poll was conducted
Interviews were conducted over the period 25th November to 1st December 2004Sample Size
1000 voter eligible New Zealanders aged 18+Sampling Technique
Telephone Interviews. Random generation of telephone numbers with quota sampling to ensure representative cross section by age, sex and geography.Sample Coverage
National including rural, secondary urban and main urban areasSample Error
Maximum of 3.1% expressed at a 95% confidence level
MMP Voting : Party
If a general election was held yesterday under
MMP, which political party would you have voted for with
your Party Vote?
That is, for the political party you
most want to be represented in parliament.

Click for big version
MMP Voting : Electorate
If a general election was held yesterday,
using MMP, which party would you have voted for, with your
electorate vote?
That is, for the MP in your

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Preferred Prime
If you were able to vote for any
politician in New Zealand to be Prime Minister, for whom
would you vote?

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How is Helen Clark
Thinking now about the Prime Minister.
How would you rate the performance of Helen Clark as Prime
Minister? Overall, would
you say that as Prime Minister
she is performing well or poorly? Is that Very … or Fairly

Click for big version
How is Don Brash
And now thinking about Don Brash, the
leader of the National Party in opposition. How would you
rate his performance.
Overall would you say he is
performing well or poorly? Is that Very … or Fairly

Click for big version
I am going to read out some
things, both favourable and unfavourable that have been said
about various politicians.
I would like you to pick out
all those statements that you feel fit Helen Clark. Would
you say she…

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I would now like you to tell me which of these statements you feel fit Don Brash. Would you say he…

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