Monarchists’ laughable defence of Prince Charles

Published: Mon 22 Nov 2004 05:35 PM
22 November 2004
The Republican Movement of Aotearoa New Zealand –
Monarchists’ laughable defence of Prince Charles’ rant
“The Monarchist League’s defence of Prince Charles’ rant at people reaching above their true station at life is laughable. Charles said that people today are encouraged to overreach their natural ability or experience, specifically mentioning head of state as one of the positions that people should not strive for,” said Republican Movement president, Dave Guerin.
The Monarchist League suggested in a media release today that Charles’ statement “was understandable and quite proper in the context in which it was written”.
“The royal family have, quite rightly, avoided the debate about whether New Zealand should become a republic, recognising that the decision is up to us. Now they have entered that debate, with Charles implying that no-one else is qualified for the job as our head of state and they should not aspire to it.”
“The problem with the monarchy is that the people in it are not New Zealanders and do not effectively represent us. They only maintain their position by doing and saying nothing of import. A memo such as the one released last week punctures the façade.”
“Apparently Charles will elaborate on his position today. I look forward to his description of his natural ability and prior hard work that qualify him to be our head of state.”
Charles’ statement is quoted below from Tribunal exposes prince’s ‘Edwardian’ attitudes. Stephen Bates. Nov 18 2004. The Guardian
"What is wrong with people nowadays? Why do they all seem to think they are qualified to do things far above their capabilities? This is all to do with the learning culture in schools. It is a consequence of a child-centred education system which tells people they can become pop stars, high court judges or brilliant TV presenters or infinitely more competent heads of state without ever putting in the necessary work or having the natural ability.

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