Everyones’ Favourite Reo Maori Debates are Back!!
Everyones’ Favourite Reo Maori Debates are Back!!! Taupatupatu 100% Te Reo Maori 8-9pm
Sunday November 21 Round 1: Urban Maori vs. Ngai Tuhoe
Debate topic: ‘Money Makes the Marae Go Around’ The very popular radio show Taupatupatu will now be broadcast simultaneously on Maori Television and Waatea 603am.
Taupatupatu aims to encourage listeners to korero Maori. The new series is presented by Julian Wilcox with three judges, Te Keepa Sterling, Tilly Reedy and Quinton Hita, who will decide which team has the most spectacular oratory skills.
As with the last year’s Taupatupatu programme, each team member has five minuets to impress the judges. Each winning team competes for a $1000 prize in the preliminary round, and $2000 for the grand final. The prize money is donated to any kohanga, kura kaupapa, or wananga of their choice.
Listen in: Waatea 603am (Auckland) http://www.waatea603am.co.nz (on line) 8-9pm Sunday