Work-Life Balance: It’s About Time!
03 November 2004
Work-Life Balance: It’s About Time!
The union movement was leading the way in the struggle for work-life balance in New Zealand and internationally, Council of Trade Unions secretary Carol Beaumont said today.
The CTU launches its publication, It’s About Time! – A Union Guide to Work-Life Balance this evening.
Associate Minister of Labour Ruth Dyson will launch the book and work-life balance expert Jo Morris, from the UK Trades Union Congress, will also speak at the event. It’s About Time! defined the issue and the roles of unions, the Government and employers in removing the barriers that stopped workers achieving balance between work and the rest of their lives, Carol Beaumont said.
The book also identified practical, work-life balance working arrangements and processes for change in workplaces which not only helped workers achieve better balance, but also assisted employers in attracting and retaining staff.
“The union movement has been a strong voice here and internationally in promoting work-life balance,” she said.
“Our perspective is that collectively we must make changes that allow workers at all levels to balance their various needs and responsibilities.”
Journalists are invited to the launch of It’s About Time! – A Union Guide to Work-Life Balance at the CTU, Level 7, back building, 178 Willis St, Wellington, at 5.30pm.