University age and gender bias claim -
Human Rights Commission
6 October 2004
No further action on university age and gender bias claim
A press release issued by the University of Canterbury on 30 September stated that "the Human Rights Commission will be taking no further action in relation to a complaint of age and gender bias."
The Commission would like to clarify that the decision to take no further action was made on the basis that the University declined to enter into mediation. The Commission offers mediation as a disputes resolution process and cannot force a party to enter into the process as it is voluntary.
The University declined to mediate on the basis that Sue Newberry's "claims have been considered exhaustively...[and] considers its promotional and review processes to be fair and equitable."
However, the Commission does not investigate complaints nor make determinations as to their veracity.
Sue Newberry now has the option of taking her complaint to the Director of the independent Office of Human Rights Proceedings for consideration. If the Director decides not to represent the complainant before the Human Rights Review Tribunal she can pursue her case privately.