KiwiKids, Cannabis, Coroners and Corpses
Fri, 01 Oct 2004
KiwiKids, Cannabis, Coroners and Corpses.
Australian and US researchers are suggesting early onset of puberty correlates to early entry drug experimentation. Similarly a recent CASA media release citing sexually active friends and dating practises signals teen substance abuse risk. This reeks of moral panic.
What might work is remove the double standards that are impediments to credible anti-drug health promotion as identified by the 1998 NZ Health Select Committee Inquiry into Cannabis and Mental Health. Where impediments exist, teen health behaviours are adversely affected.
OECD health and lifestyle statistics have NZ as the highest
cannabis consuming population in the world at 22.23 per cent
whereas Netherlands is 5.24 per cent.
What is it that the Dutch are doing right that NZ is doing so very wrong? And how might we convince sceptics that deviancy amplifying 'family values' drug policy is not at the root of the inhalent and can'o'piss problem?
Blair Anderson Mayoral Candidate, Christchurch City
-- sig. Blair Anderson
Mayor Blair for a really Healthy Christchurch
VOTE Oct 9, everywhere. cell phone 025 2657219
"Garry's such a nice guy, but he hasn't the leadership to fix this!"