Cannabis reform challenge for NZ DHB Elections
Thu, 30 Sep 2004
Cannabis reform challenge for NZ DHB Elections
Dear Nurses, Candidates, etc (open letter)
There are 10s of millions of dollars being spent counter-productively and INEQUITABLY through the 'injustice' sector via the crime-creating criminalisation of marijuana use in our community (20% of surveyed population).
ALCP candidates in Wellington (Michael Appleby), Otago Paul McMullan), and Canterbury (yours truely) will be endeavouring to get that money put where it belongs (under health), which will have a beneficial side effect of enabling credible drug education, thus REDUCING HEALTH SECTOR BURDON BY AN ORDER OF MAGNITUDE (eg minimising alcohol and tobacco related harm and costs).
That should free up plenty of $$$ to keep all health sector interests happy - especially our hard working and underpaid Nurses.
It has been on the public record for at least 8 years that there is no evidence that use of cannabis will increase if un-criminalised (Cannabis the Public Health Issues 1995/1996, Ministry of Health).
I note none of the other candidates appear to have a source of increased health funding to offer. Nor is the Ottawa Charter ('identifying and removing impediments to health promotion in non-health sectors') even on the health administration’s radar screen.
– woeful, but perhaps indicative of how repressive NZ's prohibition regime has become.
Hopefully that may all change in the very near future...
kind regards,
Kevin O'Connell (candidate for Canterbury District Health Board) President, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party.