Maori Party registered
9 July 2004
Maori Party registered
The Electoral Commission meeting this morning (9 July 2004) resolved to register Maori Party as a political party, allowing the party to contest the party vote at a general election.
Requirements for registration include providing evidence of having at least 500 current financial members and a statement of intent to contest a general election with a party list, or in at least one electorate, or both.
The Maori Party registration application was received on 9 June 2004. No comment was received from the public in response to public notices advising of the application.
Commission staff will begin processing a Maori Party logo registration application after 24 July 2004, which is the last date for the return of the writ for tomorrow’s Te Tai Hauauru by-election. The Electoral Act prevents the processing of a logo registration application while a by-election is underway.