Uniting Anglers And Hunters
Media Release Friday 2 July 2004
Uniting Anglers And Hunters
Both saltwater and freshwater anglers, game bird hunters and large game hunters are facing similar issues. Anglers and hunters are about the sustainable utilization of New Zealand’s fishing and hunting resources.
“The uniting of fishing and hunting groups will represent the largest sector of outdoor recreation users by far” said Ross Gildon President of the NZ Recreational Fishing Council. The NZ Recreational Fishing Council is established to represent the interests of recreational marine fishers New Zealand wide, to promote recreational fishing and for the protection of the aquatic environment.
Says Ross Gildon: “Saltwater anglers are facing the threat of proliferating ‘no fishing marine reserves’ and a lack of clearly defined recreational fishing rights. We see this as an erosion of recreational fishing opportunities.”
“By working together on issues of common concern we will have a greater ability to achieve our goal of ensuring we retain our present and future ability to participate in quality fishing experiences” said Ross Gildon
“Fishing is synonymous with the New Zealand way of life. We want to see the acceptance and promotion of our interests by the relevant government agencies and statutory bodies.” ENDS
Media Release Friday 2 July 2003
The new coalition of the major fishing and hunting organizations launched today is sending a key message to government agencies about the continuation of our fishing and hunting heritage.
“New Zealanders have been fishing and hunting since the first people arrived here and it is enshrined in our history and development. Anglers and hunters make up more than a million New Zealanders and we are passionate about securing our ability to hunt and fish now and for future generations” said Garry Ottmann Executive Director of the Game and Forest Foundation.
Anglers and hunters are recognised worldwide as some of the most ardent conservationists and the sustainable use of fishing and hunting resources is a huge motivation for their conservation generally. The Game and Forest Foundation was formed to unite those organizations that value all large game animals. Two of its key objectives are:
The statutory recognition of these animals as game species and; A user management system that gives hunters a real say in how game animals are managed.
“Many of our members both fish and hunt so it is natural that we join together to tackle the issues of common concern. Coordinated action will increase our ability to deliver outcomes for our constituents and we look forward to working with our kindred organizations” said Garry Ottmann.
“This new coalition is an opportunity for government and government agencies to engage with us to develop legislation and policy that clearly secures the future of fishing and hunting in New Zealand” he said
Friday July 2, 2004
The emerging influence of the outdoor recreation lobby took a giant step today with the announcement by the big three fishing and hunting sector organisations, representing the interests of over one million New Zealanders, to form a strategic coalition.
Fish & Game New Zealand which manages trout and salmon fishing and game bird hunting, the New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council which represents the marine recreational fishing sector and the Game and Forest Foundation of New Zealand that brings together the full spectrum of interests in the countries big game animals, today agreed to cooperate and coordinate closely on issues of common interest.
“This coalition will be a very powerful lobby with the combined strength of many organisations in the three sectors – marine, large game animals and freshwater sports fish and game birds,” says Bryce Johnson, Director of Fish & Game New Zealand.
Says Bryce Johnson: “We are collectively charged with advocating to protect the interests of our constituents as fishers and hunters. Fishing and hunting are part of the heritage of all New Zealanders and we want to secure the continuance of that heritage.”
Three current issues of collective concern are: The review of Conservation General Policy by the Department of Conservation The continued access to the outdoors for fishing and hunting The Foreshore and seabed issue.
Says Ross Gildon of the New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council: “The New Zealand model of anglers and hunters managing fishing and hunting resources and caring for the environment is regarded very highly internationally. Conservation by the very people who passionately enjoy our outdoors is a far better situation for the environment and our country. Protecting of the future of fishing and hunting provides no better motivation to get it right.
Says Garry Ottmann, Executive Director of the Game and Forest Foundation: “A common bond for anglers and hunters involves ‘conservation for sustainable use’. Internationally this is increasingly being shown as the way of the future and we intend to actively promote that it is the most sensible and logical form of conservation protection for New Zealand.”
Fish & Game New Zealand said today that it welcomed the formation of the mega lobbying body for hunting and fishing interests.
“Over one million Kiwis fish, hunt and are committed to our environment,” says Bryce Johnson Director of Fish & Game spokesperson “Their concerns have often been over ridden or over looked, and we see this as a very significant opportunity to join together with our fellow hunters and fishermen to speak with a common voice.”
“The threats to fishing and hunting and the environment from which they derive, are growing and are causing great concern, that is why the formation of this lobby group at this time is so important. For example, the Resource Management Act, which is a vital tool to protect our environment from breakneck commercial development, is under attack by business interests, and countryside access is currently on the table.”
“We are seeking a greater acceptance of the value of hunting and fishing and the species involved in Government policy, improved access to the countryside and coast, environmental protection, and a recognition of the benefits of anglers and hunting managing the resources they use.”
“The people who are the best managers of a resource are those who are dependant on it, and who know that if they look after it, it will look after them. This management model works for New Zealand sports fish and game birds which are managed by locally elected Fish and Game Councils.”
“It has worked very well for decades and it is highly regarded overseas. Fish & Game believe that this management model is the way of the future for both the big game and recreational marine fishing sectors and this coalition is a beginning for them to have a greater say in the management of the natural resources they enjoy.”