People's Resistance 2004 - Anti-Imperialist Conf.
PEOPLE'S RESISTANCE 2004 -A national anti-imperialist conference -talks, panel discussions and radical films
June 4-6 Friday 7pm/Sat 11am-6pm/Sun 11am-5pm Trades Hall, 147 Great North Road, Grey Lynn
JOHN MINTO - veteran social justice activist & leading campaigner against the 1981 Springbok tour
DON CARSON broadcaster & long-time Palestine solidarity activist
RADHA D'SOUZA- law lecturer and Indian activist
DAPHNA WHITMORE long-time anti-imperialist activist and editor of The Spark
PHILIP FERGUSON-ex-Sinn Fein (Ireland) and editor of Revolution magazine
JARED PHILLIPS-ACA activist who toured the 'Red Zones' in Nepal in 2003
PAUL HOPKINSON-ACA activist & the first person to be charged for burning a NZ flag
-plus speakers from Iraq, Turkey/Kurdistan, Nepal and Fiji
-plus 'Working Class Resistance not Peace Processes' discussion panel
-still to confirm a speaker on Samoan citizenship law in New Zealand
People's Resistance 2004 is being organised by the Anti-Capitalist Alliance.