Law Reform Advocate Urges Drugs Act Inquiry
Law Reform Advocate Urges Drugs Act Inquiry
Today, on the eve of International J Day, cannabis law reform advocate Duncan Eddy pleaded not guilty to cannabis related charges, and issued a challenge to Parliament's Justice and Electoral Committee.
Earlier this month Eddy, a member of the national NORML Executive, was charged with possession of cannabis. He was also charged with obstruction and resisting arrest after challenging police justifications for invoking the Misuse of Drugs Act and refusing to consent to a search.
Eddy has contacted members of the Justice and Electoral Committee urging them to begin an inquiry into police powers to conduct searches without a warrant under the 1975 Misuse of Drugs Act. Last year the Health Select Committee recommended an inquiry on the matter.
commonly invoke the Misuse of Drugs Act at their own
discretion, and it's mainly used against young men and
people with dark skin. The Health Select Committee
recognised this, but to date no action has been taken to
rectify the situation. "Said Eddy.