Recipients announced for 2004 Awards in History
Recipients announced for 2004 Awards in History
Studies of a New Zealand high-country station, forest parks, coastal lighthouses and cemeteries are among the historical projects to receive this year’s Awards in History from the New Zealand History Research Trust Fund.
This year’s major Award of $30,000 goes to Maureen Birchfield of Paekakariki for her biography of well-known social activist and children’s author Elsie Locke. Assistance is also provided for biographies of painter Frances Hodgkins, composer Douglas Lilburn and Catholic newspaper editor James Kelly. A total of $90,000 is being allocated to 11 projects, drawn from a total of 80 Fund applications. The Awards in History recipients for 2004 are:
Shaun Barnett, Kilbirnie, Wellington New Zealand Forest Parks: A History and Celebration of New Zealand’s 17 Forest Parks - $7,500
Helen Beaglehole, Karori, Wellington Lighting the Coast: A History of New Zealand’s Manned Coastal Lighthouses- $5,000
Maureen Birchfield, Paekakariki, Kapiti An Authorised Biography of Elsie Locke- $30,000
Stephen Deed, Dunedin The Development of the New Zealand Cemetery, 1769–1914 - $6,000
Joanne Drayton,Waterview, Auckland A Biography of Frances Hodgkins - $5,500
Helen Frizzell, Dunedin Presbyterian Support Otago Centennial History - $9,000
Phillip Norman, Christchurch Biography of the New Zealand Composer Douglas Lilburn - $5,000
Hazel Riseborough, Pukawa, Turangi Ngamatea: The Story of a High Country Station - $5,000
Kirstie Ross, Auckland A Proper Sense of Country: A Visual, Cultural and Social History of Pakeha Outdoor Leisure - $4,000
Rory Sweetman, Dunedin A Biography of Dr James Kelly (Editor of the New Zealand Tablet, 1917–31) - $11,000
Lois Webster, Ponsonby, Auckland Siu ki Moana: Tongan–New Zealand Pathways, 1880–1950 - $2,000
The Awards in History provide financial assistance to people carrying out projects that will significantly enhance the understanding of New Zealand's past. They are made annually by the New Zealand History Research Trust Fund, and are administered by the Ministry for Culture and Heritage.
Since the first Awards were made in 1990, a total of 1,264 applications have been received and 180 projects have been assisted.
Applications for Awards for 2005 close on
15 October 2004. Further information and application forms
are available online: